
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Khmer New Year B.E. 2553, C.E. 2010 Day III

Dear Beloved friends in the Dhamma,
Buddhist Library For Youth (BLY) would bring the best memory for all mankind especially for those who wish to live in peace and happiness. Please rejoice the merits as much as your wish with our beloved people in Wat Kraya. With Metta,

Buildings in Wat Kraya

Dear Dhamma friends,
Wat Kraya is an old and poor monastery among thousands of monasteries in Cambodia. There are a few buildings, but most of all are very old to stay. However, we do our best to stay there peacefully with harmony. We open the monastic education for poor children and monks even we have nothing for them to stay. Please have a look. With Metta,

This is Dinning Hall of Wat Ambavanaram (called Wat Kraya). It is too old to use for celebrate the religious ceremony.